Malaysia: 29 Sep 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 3:09 PM

Government to effectively implement projects and policies that will eradicate poverty.  Wisdom in law enforcement to battle the various social problems in the country such as drugs, child abuse, rape, prostitution, violence, gangsterism, gambling etc.  Exposing and eradicating corruption in very governing body.

Fear of God to be upon judges, lawyers and advocates so that they will be people of integrity, upholding righteousness and justice without fear of men or partiality in judgment.  More godly and righteous men & women will be raised up in the judiciary.

Pray that the government will continue to support creativity and free speech in the media arts.  Pray that no one will be prevented access to what God wants to do in the media.

Ask the Lord to strengthen family ties, commitment and responsibility and that children will care for their elderly.