Malaysia: 04 Sep 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 11:42 AM

PROCLAIM THE LORDSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST over the economy and financial state of the country. Uphold our PM. Continue to pray for strong governance in Bank Negara and Ministry of Finance, for wisdom to execute plans and strategies with transparency. 

EXPOSURE AND CORRECTION OF UNRIGHTEOUS DEALINGS in all sectors of commerce, law, policy-making, leadership practices and employee actions. Law and policies governing commerce to be reviewed to cover loopholes on unfair practices.

COMMERCIAL ENTITIES to embrace giving to the needy within and outside the nation as part of the company culture. Prov 19:17 affirms that pitying the poor equates to lending to the Lord. What a privilege!

THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, TAN SRI MUHYIDDIN YASSIN; policy-makers, curriculum writers, teacher trainers, education officers (district, state and federal), principals, teachers, counsellors, discipline teachers, school boards, PTA committees, etc.  PRAY for wisdom, counsel, knowledge and understanding to take progressive steps to improve the education system for all races.

WISDOM FOR MINISTER OF YOUTH AND SPORTS to spearhead government programs for young generations that will instil godly values and raise godly leaders and a productive generation.