Prayer Focus: 26 Mar - 01 Apr

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 3:12 PM


Rebuilding The Walls of Evangelism & Discipleship

In the early church, God used ordinary people, not deemed significant by the world, to change the entire empire in Asia Minor.  The kingdom of God is likened to both a growing seed and a mustard seed (Mark 4:26-32) which grows into a powerful movement that transforms the entire culture and society.  Today, God still uses ordinary people like you and I, to impact nations.  The Lord has declared that we are to reach out to the nations.  All of us in every generation within His Body, MUST go forth and take hold of the nation.  His command to us is to be strong and be of good courage and that we are not to be disheartened by the giants in the land.  Whatever our fears, let us renounce every doubt, unbelief and hopelessness - being resolute in our conviction that MALAYSIA BELONGS TO THE LORD!  He has promised to be with us and He will go before us, so therefore, let us arise and go forth to possess the land!

Pray for -

  • Our lack of love, compassion and apathy towards the lost.  confess and repent that we have neglected God's mandate to disciple nations.
  • An awakening upon His Church to fulfil the Great Commission.  Pray for the Lord of Harvest to send out laborers to the harvest fields.  Pray that all of us will heed the call of God to evangelism and discipleship.
  • Pray for greater partnership and united efforts in the area of resources and finances between Peninsular and East Malaysia churches to formulate mission strategies that will reach the lost.  Pray that new pioneers will be raised up and sent forth to reach the unreached in this nation.  Many are still in darkness.
  • The planting of prayer cells in spiritually darkened places for the gospel to penetrate throughout the nation.  Pray for Christians to arise in all realms of influence, reaching out and establishing strong discipleship in schools, colleges, neighborhood and marketplaces.
  • A powerful visitation of God's Spirit to stir and awaken all people groups to the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Cry out for souls and national revival!  Claim Isaiah 62:1 that Malaysia's salvation will be like His blazing Torch!
'We honor God when we ask for great things.  It is a humiliating thing to think that we are satisfied with very small results.'  R. A. Torrey