Prayer Focus: 18-24 June 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 10:30 AM


Hosea 6:2 'After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us that we may live in His Presence.'

Often, we are not aware of our desperate need for spiritual revival and restoration.  Our fervour for 'church' and 'ministry' so often, subtly but surely replaces our true devotion to God.  Over time, we allow ourselves to crowd Him out of our lives before we are suddenly confronted by the glaring truth of our spiritual condition of indifference, apathy, spiritual adultery and idolatry.  God's heart for us, as His children and as His church, has always been and will continue to be one of restoration.  He promises that if we were to return to Him, He will revive and restore us - in order that we may abide fully with Him.

  • Pray for God to revive us from spiritual deadness - that we will be revived from indifference, apathy, coldness of heart, sin dead works, spiritual adultery and any form of idolatry in our spiritual walk.
  • Pray, adknowledging that above everything else, we must return to that place where it is ALL about Him and our relationship with Him.
  • Pray that we will return to the plumb line of His Word, being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and choosing to walk in obedience.