Prayer Request: 30 Oct 2009

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 2:55 PM

Pray for Sabah & Sarawak

  • 92% of Malaysia's Christian population is concentrated in East Malaysia. East Malaysian natives form approximately 59% of Malaysian Christians.
  • Majority regard themselves as 'Christian' based on their family background or baptism into a denomination. Daily living out the Christian faith based on a personal relationship with God is an alien concept.
  • More emphasis on retaining members and adding numbers to own denominations.
  • Prevailing pride in church traditions (some of which are non-Biblical). Move of the Holy Spirit is quenched. Resistance to change makes churches irrelevant to youth and society at large.
  • Shallow understanding of the Word: Many Christians do not even own Bibles.
  • Many professing Christians are involved in the occult, alcoholism, gambling and immorality.
  • A lack of concern for the lost.
  • Cults and other religious groups making inroads among Christians ( especially younger generation).


REVIVAL - For conviction of the need to be born-again believers; believers to be shaken out of complacency.

TRUE UNITY - For denominational walls to be broken down; pray against the prevailing pride.

PRIDE IN TRADITIONS - For church leaders to be convicted of the dangers of putting man-made traditions as the foundation of their churches.

HUNGER FOR THE WORD - For conviction of the importance of the Word; hunger among Christians for the Word; verify all doctrines with the Word.

COMPROMISE - For conviction of areas of compromise (pagan practices, alcoholism, gambling, immorality); leaders may speak boldly against such practices.

LIVING FAITH - For Christians to live out their faith; apply His laws in social, state and national issues.

CHRIST & OTHERS-CENTRED - For churches to see the needs of the lost and marginalized; heed the call to evangelism and missions.

WORKERS - For more workers & resources to disciple remote congregations; God's provision, protection, guidance and strength upon His servants.

CONVERSION TO OTHER FAITHS - Pray for God's special intervention on lives of would-be converts.