Morning Prayer

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 9:10 AM

Psa 5:1-12 - "... Each morning I will look to you in heaven and lay my requests before your (vs 3)..."

"No one can ever hope to live a joyous Christian life without constant attention to prayer, we grow in Christ according to the time we give in communion with God in private prayer. All saints down the ages who have achieved great service and victory in God have said that it came primarily through prayer". Selwyn Hughes - Everyday with Jesus.

Remember that God is with you, in you and for you.

The Apostle was a man greatly used by God. His high esteem for prayer is remarkable. Paul made "praying" a habit, a business, a lifestyle. He literally gave himself to prayer - which is found in most of the epistles he wrote. He said, "I thank God always on your behalf", "I make mentionof you..." To the Philippian church, he write to them saying, I thank my god always in my prayer of mine for you" Phi 1:3.

Paul's prayer was something tangible - it supplied substance; the bone, the marrow of his righteous life. He knew that answered prayer was a "key" to making his ministry successful. He knew his apostolic mission was sealed by his trust in Jesus Christ - His Lord. Through prayer, he accomplished his work, crowned his work, his life, and his death with martyr principles.

At the end of his life he encouraged the church to follow his example as he followed Christ. No wonder God made him so fruitful. Let us follow the Apostle Paul's advice and be men and women of prayer.