Growing in Maturity Through Prayer

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 11:29 AM

Prayer is talking to God - a two way communication. However, if we are to be honest - we must agree that "Prayer" is having union with Christ. In Ephesians 6:10 the Apostle Paul says, "Be strong in the Lord and in your union with Him." (Amp Bible)
Prayer is creative and is an art. Therefore, we must practice. Practice makes a person perfect in what they do. Example, a pianist must practice between 4 to 5 hours a day until they are so good that they do not have to look at the notes.

Prayer must be our lifestyle. Like the Apostle Paul says, "Pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Our Lord Jesus Christ was passionate for Prayer, and He said, "My Father's house is a house of Prayer, and you have made it a den of thieves". Let us follow the ways of our Lord and abide in Him. We will be blessed, our family will be blessed, our church will be blessed and our nation will be blessed. (John 15:7)

We must cultivate a "life of Prayer". A. W. Tozer commented, "Having realized that we must cultivate our inward life, the life in the Spirit, to make smooth the pathway of prayer, we must then actively engage in prayer until all our thoughts and acts are prayers, and the entire life becomes one holy sacrifice of praise, worship, prayer and intercession."