Intimacy & Spiritual Breakthrough

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 10:43 AM

Proverbs 3:5-6

Although victorious warfare through prayer is often associated with fervent intensity one cannot overlook the necessity of spiritual intimacy that makes possible these victories.Hidden in this (Pro 3:5-6) is one of Scriptures’s greatest lessons on the role that intimacy in God plays as the birthing agent of all the victories that come through prayer, including everything from the receiving of miraculous guidance, physical restoration, personal success or prosperity, to unusual and dramatic victories in spiritual warfare.

We need to know that implicit trust in God guarantees guidance. It is here we are told that if we trust in the Lord implicitly; allowing him to make decisions on our behalf without fear or misgiving, and if we further purpose not to go our own way in the matters of life and conduct, nor lean on our own reasoning, but fully acknowledge every circumstance, decision, thought and opportunity - He will automatically direct our paths. When that happens victory will be achieved, through our surrender to His will and not doing what we desire.

Therefore, let us seek the Lord until we are able “to have total trust in Him and His mighty power”.