Prayer Request: 10 August 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 12:09 PM

Every week in church, we pray for individuals who have needs. We pray that God would listen to our prayer as we unite in our hearts to bring our needs to Him. This week, let us keep the following people in prayer as we go one with our daily lives.

Mdm Leela M. - Cardiac Ablation. Operation scheduled for 17 Aug 10.

Mrs Mimi Lim - Surgery for cancer.

Suresh - Stroke.  Critical condition.

Mr Visvahnan - Salvation and spiritual breakthrough.

David Chan - Kidney cancer.  Operation on 9 August 10 to remove tumour.

Mdm Tan - Blisters in the mouth.  Causes on determined yet.

Elsie Tham Lin Chan - Cervical Spondylosis (neck problem)

Fred Gardner - Salvation. Provision of a job.

Mr Thomas - Chest pains.  Irregular heartbeat.