Devotions 10 Dec 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 11:36 AM

Prayer Can Bind The Enemy and Cast Him Out!
In this generation, the Christian Church is neglecting teaching about conquering evil spirits.  Of course, the devil and his cohorts were conquered on the cross 2,000 years ago, but they still are not put into the eternal dungeon.  They are still loose on this earth and are still going around trying to deceive people.  Actually, they are conquered enemies, but we still should cast them out.

Jesus Christ conquered them on the cross, but God gave the casting-out responsibility to the Church and each Christian.  Christ conquered, but you must cast them out.  You are not supposed to conquer the devil and his cohorts... all of them have been conquered already.  You should only cast them out so they will not go around and hinder God's children.

That is the reason when Christ left this earth, His last word before ascending into heaven was, "Ye shall cast out demons in my name."  That is the last request of Jesus Christ to Christians, so casting the devil out is very important.

The devil is out there all over the place with demonic spirits trying to deceive people.  There are unclean spirits, there are evil spirits, there are spirits of divination, and there are spirits of lies; all kinds of spirits are walking around trying to oppress the people.  So we should really wage a war against them.

You can only wage war against them in your prayers because they are in the spiritual realm.  When you pray, you go directly into the spiritual realm.  Whenever I pray, they challenge me because before you go into the presence of God, you must go through this spirit world.  You must first fight the devil and his cohorts.

This is the reason I say you should pray more than one hour.  Nowadays, it takes me thirty minutes to break through their wall and come into the presence of God.  When I kneel down and try to pray, all these spirits come and try to hinder my prayer.  I feel itchiness all over my body, then I feel pain in my joints, then some thoughts come to me like, "Cho, why don't you sleep right now?  You can pray tomorrow.  You are in pain and you are tired.  I feel sorry for you.  You have been praying so faithfully.  Why don't you just pray later?"

The devil puts all these thoughts into my mind.  So I pray to conquer those feelings in my physical body.  Then when any useless thought swarms into my mind;  I push them away and keep on praying.  Suddenly, I feel free.  When I unshackle myself from all the chains of the devil, then I can go into the presence of the Holy Spirit right away.  Now the real praying starts.

Before they break through the hindering spirits and binding walls, many people stop praying, so their prayer never reaches the throne of God.  Before they reach the throne of God, they stop praying.

Praying five or ten minutes every day is fine.  It is better than not praying at all.  But, if you pray five or ten minutes, you just scratch the surface and make the devil just miserable enough, and you will be in worse trouble.

God has given me a very, very strange gift.  When the devil's demon comes and oppresses me, I don't see him, but when I cast him out of myself, then I can see him.  Isn't that a strange gift?

('Article: By David Yonggi Cho - Magazine: "Church Growth/Summer: 1993)