Prayer Focus: 19 - 25 Feb 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 1:41 PM


Rebuilding the Walls of Intimacy & Prayer!

Intimacy is coming home to the heart of the Father.  A heart that is relentless in His pursuit of us.

As we acknowledge and receive His love, we come to that place of intimacy where we know prayer is not getting what we want to but delighting in Him.

Deeper intimacy is borne out of spiritual hunger for God, a hunger that only He can satisfy.  Too many Christians view prayer as a duty or as a ministry resource.  We ought to pray even if we do not have needs.  Prayer is vital to a meaningful relationship with God.  It is only through intimacy that we know His heart for the lost, His Church, our nation and the nations of the world.  (Adapted from Growing Deep in God by Edmund Chan)

Pray that -
  • Our hearts will embrace the Father's love and for our personal walls of intimacy to be restored, knowing and living out of a conviction that our security, self worth and significance is found in Him alone.
  • We will have a greater desire and hunger for God, that we will love Him with all our hearts, our souls and our minds.
  • We will carry the Father's heart and His burdens for the lost, our church and our nation.
  • We will be healed and restored in our areas of brokenness, having the grace to receive and extend forgiveness in relation to God, ourselves and others.
  • We will be willing to be set apart for Him, consecrated to a lifestyle of holiness and obedience.

'A spiritual life without prayer is like the Gospel without Christ' Henri Nouwen