Prayer Focus: 12 - 18 Mar 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 4:59 PM


Rebuilding the Walls of Social Concerns

On a daily basis, we are confronted by troubling news reports of social ills plaguing our society.  Here are some hard facts (based on available statistics).

Sexual Crimes.  In 2003, 1,479 rape cases were reported, doubling to 3,098 in 2007.   Sexual crimes are escalating against girls aged 16 and below.  As many as 80% of cases are unreported as sex offenders are family members, relatives or friends.  Pre-marital Sex, Teen Pregnancies and Baby Dumping.  In 2010 (up to April), 111 young pregnant girls sought help from the Welfare Department, compared to 131 and 107 cases in 2009 and 2008 respectively.  Pre-marital sex among the youth is on the increase.  A study by UPM revealed that more than 300 teens aged between 13-25 admitted to having sex, with 85% not regretting their actions.  There have been 517 reported cases of baby dumping since 2005, of which, 287 were found dead.  Many more are unreported.  Suicide.  The National Suicide Registry Malaysia estimated that there are as many as 60 suicides a month.  Many teenagers and young adults are taking their own lives in the face of mounting pressures in school, at work and in relationships.  Divorces.  In 2005, the rate of divorce in this nation is recorded at 13%.  This percentage has since increased.  Moral Decline.  Negative influences vide the internet and various mainstream media are enticing our youth to ungodly lifestyles.  Poverty.  As of 2007, 3.6% of the population live below the national poverty line of RM500 monthly (per household of 4), an indicator that is unrealistically low.  The plight of the marginalized and the indigenous people of this land are still not adequately addressed.

Pray for -

  • The Local Church to be relevant in recognising their responsibilities in addressing national concerns concerning poverty, moral decline and socio economic justice.
  • The active involvement of the Local Church in partnering with the relevant bodies to eradicate social ills.  Pray for effective networking, strategies, favour and acceptance by the various governmental agencies and ministries for the nationwide implementation of Christian-based programmes.
  • Greater emphasis by the Local Church on ministries towards the youths, in ensuring that the next generation is raised up to make a stand for godly values and lifestyles.  Pray against the spirits of addiction, rebellion and despair that seek to destroy our youths.
  • The authorities to be committed to the eradication of poverty and empowering the poor  regardless of ethnic/religious backgrounds.  Pray against any racial imbalance in the distribution of wealth that stirs up discontentment, anger and strife amongst the people.
  • The restoration and protection of rights of the indigenous OA of this nation.  Pray that the authorities will not neglect the welfare of the OA and that there will be concerted efforts to protect their land rights.
'What I am trying to get God to do that I should be doing myself?  What will I take responsibility for today?'  - Oswald Chambers -