Pray for Malaysia: 12 - 18 Mar 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 5:07 PM

Prayer Highlights for Malaysia

As our nation prepares herself for the upcoming general elections and the Sarawak state elections, it is crucial for us, His Church, to uphold the nation in prayer.

  • Pray for restoration of public confidence in agencies such as the judiciary, the Attorney-General's Office, the police forces and the MACC, which have been established and are duty-bound to uphold righteousness.
  • Pray for justice and truth to prevail over high-profile legal cases of public interest.  Pray that those in positions of authority will discharge their duties in the fear of God and not man.
  • Pray against exploitation and harassment by enforcement officers on the weak, the poor and on businesses.  Pray that those affected will have the boldness to come forward and report cases of abuse and corrupt practices.
'Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile.  Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.'   Jeremiah 29:7