Prayer Focus: 19 - 25 Mar 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 11:51 AM


Rebuilding The Walls of Security

The world is under siege from increasing terrorism, extremism, lawlessness and violence.  Over the years we have seen the same threats encroaching our nation, and society is at a loss to find the answers to curb the rising tide of wickedness and evil that is sweeping across the nation.  The CHURCH needs to wake up to the reality that THIS WAR IS FAR FROM OVER and this wall needs to be rebuilt for the security of our generation and the generations to come.  God has given us this land as an inheritance and we, His Church, are responsible to stand guard over our nation and pray for her peace and security.

Pray for -

  • The Church to rise up and war against the spiritual forces behind terrorism, religious extremism, lawlessness, violence, crime and immorality in our nation.  Pray for protection, safety and peace to reign over our land.
  • The effective and impartial enforcement of law and order by the local authorities .  Pray that all covert elements that are a threat to national security are crippled and exposed, and for wisdom and commitment by the authorities to root out these elements.  Pray for God to raise a standard against the enemy and to thwart the enemy's attacks.
  • The government to uphold the Federal Constitution and the rights of all Malaysians regardless of race and religion, and to guard against all forms of extremism, racism and isolation.
  • The migrants in our land to be set free from all forms of oppression, to be treated justly and fairly, to be protected from exploitation and all forms of degrading treatment.  Pray for their right to life to be protected under law and for them to experience the reality of God's presence through the Christian community.  Pray against crime and violence by migrant groups who are threat to national security.