Prayer Focus: 26 Feb - 4 Mar 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 9:58 AM


Rebuilding The Walls of Integrity and Honour

As ambassadors for Christ and priests in His kingdom, we are called to uphold the highest standards of integrity in our public and private lives.  In 2010, the Corruption Index by Transparency International ranked Malaysia at 56 out of 178 countries, with a score of 4.4%, a decline from the previous year.  There is an urgency to ensure reforms are brought to the nation.  In these times, it is imperative that the Church shines as a beacon of light for transparency, truth and accountability.  If we desire to see revival, harmony, unity and order in our nation, we need to address the issue of honouring God and honouring one another.  We need to deal with our disobedience, negative attitudes and pride so that all generations, families, churches and nation will be healed, restoring God's order of transformation for this nation.

Pray that -

  • We will be blameless and hold fast to truth and integrity in our public and private lives.
  • We will repent, renounce and be free from every trace of greed and corruption; and for failing to uphold truth and righteousness.
  • Righteousness, justice and truth will prevail in all strata of society.  Pray for God to convict those in authority and citizens of this nation to uphold moral righteousness and stand against all forms of corrupt practices.
  • We will repent of our sins of pride, strife, contention, slander, and distrust of all authorities above us.
  • We will pledge allegiance to God to love and honour this nation and the people that He has placed in authority.
  • God-fearing leaders will be raised up to lead in the seven realms - of government, church, family, education, business, arts and media.
  • Honour and respect to be restored in all relationships beginning with our relationship with God, parents and children, husbands and wives, the elderly and the youths, employers and employees, church leaders and members, government officials and the public.