Prayer Focus: 5 - 11 Mar 2011

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 3:10 PM


Rebuilding The Walls of Strong Families

The family unit is at the centre of God's covenant purpose.  It is the first basic institution of human life.  Through families, individuals and communities are saved.  The breakdown of the family unit leads to a deterioration of community life, society and ultimately the nation.  Ephesians 5:22-6:9 exhorts all parties within the family unit to do their part and perform their respective roles - whether as husband, wife or children - for the sake of the unity of the church.  When each fulfil their roles and honour one another as unto the Lord, a spiritual transformation takes place.  Transformed families lead to transformed communities and thereafter to a transformed nation.  The family institution is under attack!  Let us look to God to rebuild, strengthen and defend our families.

Pray for -

  • Healing and reconciliation in all families.  Mutual love and submission to be restored at all levels of relationship within the family unit.
  • Fullness of the restoration of fathers to take their rightful role as head of household, leading by godly example, guarding and governing their homes in the fear of God.
  • Establishment of strong family altars, for a future generation who will be deeply rooted in God, one who will find their identity and security in Him and fulfil His calling and destiny.  Start a family altar if you have not begun.
  • Protection for our youths against all perversion and distortion of marriages such as same-sex marriages, co-habitation and fornication.
  • Protection against every assignment of the enemy to destroy the institution of family, particularly in marriages.  Pray for all families in FGA especially those in ministry.
  • Families who will love and honour the elderly and care for them in their golden years.  Bless the elderly and pray that God will use them mightily as agents of change to influence the younger generation in godly ways.

    'How happy are those who fear the Lord and all who follow His ways!  You will enjoy the fruit of your labour.  How happy you will be!  How rich your life!  Your wife will be like a fruitful vine, flourishing within your home.  And look at all those children!  There they sit around your table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees.  That is the Lord's reward for those who fear Him.'  Psalm 128:1-4 (NLT)