Prayer Request: 2 Feb 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 4:17 PM

Please pray

Patrick, Peter & Celia Hew - Denggi Fever.

Poon Wai Mei - 4th cancer.

Pala Krishnan - Bruises in chest area after accident.

Irene Hendricks - Recovery from brain tumour operation.

Siew Kam Pang - Salvation. In coma after brain surgery.

James Josephine - Stroke. Pneumonia. High blood pressure. Thomas, daughter Sonia and maid Esther - H1N1

Leng Shek Moi - Pneumonia. Assurance of Salvation.

Asty, husband Georges and children Melissa and Maxime - Salvation. Their third child Gabriel - 4 years old - premature baby. Brain underdeveloped. Blind.