The Legacy of Repentance

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 10:48 AM

All nations have heroes, but Israel may be alone in making history about its greatest hero’s failing. Psalm 51:1 - 18 shows King David (the greatest king in Israel) repenting of his sins. This eloquent psalm shows that Israel ultimately remembered David more for his devotion to God than his political achievements.

Step by step the psalm takes the leader through the stages of repentance. It describes the constant mental replays, the gnawing guilt, the shame, and finally the hope of a new beginning that springs from true repentance of prayer.

In a remarkable way, Psalm 51 reveals the true nature of sin as a broken relation relationship with God. King David cries out in prayaer - “Against You, You only, have I sinned.” - verse 4. He sees that the sacrifices God wants are “a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart: verst 17. Those David has.

In his prayer, King David looks for possible good that might come out of his tragedy and sees a glimmer of light.

By reading this story of sin, we might avoid the same pitfalls; or by reading his confession we might gain hope in forgiveness from Jesus Christ - our Lord. The best king of Israel has fallen the furthest; but we cannot fall out of or beyond the reach of God’s love and forgiveness.

Let us heed the voice of the Holy Spirit to come to God in devotion and prayer.