Covenant with God to Pray for Revival

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 2:58 PM

PRAYER engages the enemy in spiritual battle. By prayer we invade his vast domain of sin and break sin's dominance and power. Persevering, unyielding, day and night urgency in prayer for the Holy Spirit's outpouring will bring showers of converting grace, and will make the altars of our God again blaze with the old time fire.

Let every Christian covenant with God to besiege the Throne of grace with fervent prayer, with ever-increasing fervent prayer until heavens are opened and revival is sweeping our land. Let the Church and companies of Christians unite their hearts in prayer for revival with unbending purpose. Let days of fasting and prayer be proclaimed.

To focus prayer on a nation-wide revival will hasten its coming. The scattered rays of the sun produce light but the focused rays of the sun produce fire! The most important essential to victorious prayer is definiteness. Indefinite prayers are powerless prayer. A sense of the tremendous issues at stake give prayer its definiteness.

The responsibility of bringing revival is your, is mine! "Only by dint of our greatest effort, by our utmost unselfishness, by infinite willingness, and our capacity for self-sacrifice" will the forces of evil in the nation be dislodged and a revival of righteousness sweep the land clean from ocean to ocean.

"Strengthen yourselves inthe omnipotence of God. Do not say, "Is God able?". Say, rather, "God is able!"

Let us preach revival! Sing revival! Pray revival - until a mighty soul-saving, sinner-converting, saint-edifying revival of righteousness is sweeping our nation clean of its crime, unchastity and ungodliness.

"Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it" (Isa 45:8)

(Taken from 'Herald of His Coming' Vol 512 No 6 (618) June 1993)