Prayer Request: 1 April 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 4:41 PM

Please pray for

Mdm Goh Lee Swan - In critical condition after brain surgery.

Mdm Lim Kim Wan (85 yrs old) - Salvation, brain cancer final stage.

Lu Ying Chee - (40 yrs old) - Undergoing radiotherapy, last stage of cancer - it has spread to the brain and bones. She has 2 children and recently re-dedicated herself to the Lord.

Sheo Poh Lin - Total healing.

Johnny Chan - Brain tumour.

Siow Chin Yee - In his thirties. Went for operation for sleep apnea. Stopped breathing for 10 mins. In ICU now.

Rosalind Yeh Poh Yee - Lung cancer. Tumours all over her body including brain. Terrible pain.

Jeremy - 23 years old. Motorbike accident. Serious with brain damage.