Prayer for the Nation

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 10:10 AM

Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the end of the earth your possession. (Psalms 2:8)

This is a command from God to pray for the nations and he will give it to us as an inheritance. Therefore, let us pray for our nation Malaysia that the people who do not know Jesus Christ will come to know Him as Lord. It looks difficult to us but let us trust in God that He will answer our prayer. God asks us to do the possible and He will take care of what we see as impossible.

The Old Testament abounds with examples of the course of an entire nation being changed as the result of intercessory prayer. Consider, Nehemiah, serving in exile as a cupbearer to the Persian king, Artaxexes. He received the report that the wall of Jerusalem had been torn down and the Jewish remnant there was in great trouble - there was no apparent hope for the Jews. But Nehemiah, of Jewish nationality, interceded on behalf of his people. He wept, mourned, and fasted, and prayed before his God. (Nehemiah 1: 4 - 6) God had mercy and answered his prayer and the king granted Nehemiah permission to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city walls.

Amid intense opposition from surrounding enemies, the task was completed, providing protection for Jerusalem against attack.

God will answer the prayer of His people, but we must obey and pray for the breakthrough of our land "Malaysia". We are going through intense opposition from the enemy, and it is time we intercede fervently.