Prayer Request: 27 July 2010

Posted by 24/7 PRAYER on 3:42 PM

Every week in church, we pray for individuals who have needs. We pray that God would listen to our prayer as we unite in our hearts to bring our needs to Him. This week, let us keep the following people in prayer as we go one with our daily lives.

Melvin Yoo - Heart problems

Tong Boon Keng - Salvation & growth in the throat.

Christina Roch - Fibroid and low blood levels. Currently hospitalized for blood transfusion.

Rajamani - Salivary gland cancer.

Mrs Anne Cheng - Breast cancer.

June Choe - Salvation & High blood pressure.

Michael Tan - Salvation. Hearing.

Mdm Chandra Malar - Sinus. Head pain.

Dorothy John - Lumbar scope on 300710.

Haren - Salvation & Career direction.

Andrew Savarimuthu - Back pain.

Mdm Loh Kim Yong - Salvation. Stroke & High blood pressure.

Estrella L. Gascon - Low Blood.

Cyla Jane Tobias - Safe flight to Taiwan on 290710.

Tan Boon Aun, 18 yrs - Chronic Eosophile Neokimia.

Khiu Gee Ying - Dengue fever. Extremely low blood count.

Mdm Ang Siew Kee ( S’pore hospital)- Salvation. Kidney failure.

Teams to Korea - Prayer Mountain - 260710 - 020810

Trip to Sabah (Prayer) - 040810 - 080810